Name : Mariam Fathi Al -Qderate
Date of Birth : February 2
Home Address : Ar-Ramtha -Jordan
Marital Status : Single
Phone : (+962) 6 -4799000, Ext:2489
E -mail :
- 2009-2012 MSc of Applied Physics (Calculation of K-shell Photoionization cross-section along the isoelectronic sequence of C+,N2+ and O3+ using Fac code), Science Faculty at Jordan University of Science And Technology, Jordan
- 2004-2008 BSc of Physics, Science Faculty at Jordan University of Science And Technology, Jordan
- July,2004 Jordanian Ministry of Education, Jordan, Jordanian General Secondary Education ,Certificate (Science Stream)
- 2009 Physics Teacher, Yarmouk model school, In Irbid- Jordan.
- 2010 Teacher assistant, Department of Physics, Jordan University of Science and Technology. In Irbid- Jordan.
- 2011 Teacher assistant, Department of Physics, Jordan University of Science and Technology. In Irbid- Jordan.
- 2012 Part Time lecturer of Physics, Department of Physics Jordan University of Science and Technology. In Irbid- Jordan.
- 2013 Part Time lecturer of Physics, Department of Physics Jordan University of Science and Technology, In Irbid- Jordan.
- 2013 Part Time lecturer of Physics, Department of Basic Science and Mathematics, Philadelphia University, In Amman Jordan.
- 2014 Part Time lecturer of Physics, Department of Physics, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan.
- 2014 Part Time lecturer of Physics, Department of Basic Science And Mathematics, Philadelphia University, In Amman-Jordan.
- 2015 Part Time lecturer of Physics, Department of Physics, Jordan University of Science and Technology, In Irbid-Jordan.
- 2015 Until Now Full time lecturer of Physics , Department of Basic Science And Mathematics, Philadelphia University, In Amman -Jordan.
- 2018 Part Time Lecturer of physics , Department of Basic Science, Princess Sumaya For Technology , In Amman -Jordan .
1. Arabic: Native language
2. English: Language of study (V.good in written, speaking and reading).