المواد التي سيتم تدريسها خلال الفصل الدراسي الاول من عام 2024/2023:
محاسبة جنائية
This course covers the fundamentals of forensic accounting and fraud investigation. Students will gain a grasp of commercial fraud, the situations in which it occurs, fraud detection, measurement, prevention approaches, and the skills required to resolve fraud once it has been identified. Internal auditing involvement in fraud detection and investigation and its role in fraud prevention will be discussed in the course.
تحليل مالي باستخدام الحاسوب
This course uses tools to make analyses for financial statements using horizontal vertical, trend analysis and various ratios. This course uses Excel mainly to perform this analysis. The students apply these tools on income statement, comparative balance sheet and cash flow statements. Financial statement analysis is the process of analyzing a company's financial statements using computer and excel for decision-making and evaluation purposes. Financial statements forcasting and evaluating the company and its ability to continue using excel tools.
تطبيقات حاسوبية في المحاسبة
This course covers the QuickBooks application and covers the following topics: the chart of accounts for customers, workers, and vendors; managing items; sales tax; payment processing; refund processing; bill entry and payment. Bank accounts; reporting; payroll; credit card accounts; and general journal entries.
معايير محاسبة دولية والابلاغ المالي الدولي
This course provides a comprehensive explanation of the origin and development of international accounting standards and international financial reporting, where several accounting standards will be discussed, such as the borrowing standard, the subsequent events standard, the high-inflationary economies standard, and several financial reporting standards, such as the financial instruments standard.
مرفق جدول الساعات المكتبية