- The effect of electronic word of mouth communication on purchase intention and brand image: An applicant smartphone brands in North Cyprus. Management Science Letters, (2019), 9(4), 505-518. (Scopus).
- The effect of market-sensing capability on the knowledge creation process and innovation Evidence from SMEs in Jordan. Management Science Letters, (2019), 9(5), 727-736. (Scopus).
- Data to model the effects of perceived telecommunication service quality and value on the degree of user satisfaction and e-WOM among telecommunications users in North Cyprus, (2020), Data in brief 28, 104981(Scopus).
- Assessing the nexus between knowledge management and firm performance: A data article. Data in brief, (2021), 32, 106283. (Scopus).
- The antecedents of supply chain performance: Business analytics, business process orientation, and information systems support. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, (2022), Volume 10, Number 2. (Scopus).
- The mediating role of brand credibility between Social Media Influencer and patronage intentions. International Journal of Data and Network Science, (2022), Volume 10, Number 2. (Scopus).
- A study to investigate the impact of E-Supply chain on Customer satisfaction: Mediating role service quality and gamification. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, (2022), Volume 10, Number 3. (Accepted, Scopus).
- The nexus between Social Media Influencers and Purchase Intention in the Fast-Food Sector in Jordan: Testing a moderated mediation model. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, (2022), Volume 17 (2022), Number 1. (Accepted, Scopus).