Bachelor of Financial Technology is committed to the following objectives:
Post Address:
Department of Finance and Banking, Faculty of Business, Philadelphia University, P.O.Box:1 Amman-Jordan 19392
Telephone Number:
0096264799000 Ext. 2248
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Feasibilility Studies and Projects Evaluation
Research Methods and Statistics
Course |
Description |
Corporate Finance |
This course includes the following topics: financial decisions in corporation, agency problem and corporate governance, stock and bond evaluation, capital budgeting techniques, cost of capital, capital structure, dividend polices and corporate merging and bankruptcy. |
Financial Markets and Institutions |
This course is expected to provide better understanding of the role of financial institutions and markets in the business environment. Furthermore, it helps students to build a series of applications of principles from finance and economics that look at the relationship between financial markets, financial institutions, and economy. On this course we will discover deeply the Money market, Bond market, Mortgage market, stock market, stock market, foreign exchange market, Market Structure and Driven Market. |
Banking Management |
This course is designed to develop an understand some key issues in banking management, and financial sector regulation. To achieve this goal, it will begin by discussing the banks' structure and regulatory environment. Next, the course focuses on key management issues in the banking field, after which it will focus on money creation, bank lending and credit risk management, interest rate risk management, and strategic management issues. |
Macroeconomics |
Macroeconomics is concerned with the study of how the economy functions as a whole. It involves the measurement of economic activities such as: Gross Domestic Product - GDP, and other National accounts, Economic Growth, Consumption and Saving. Further, it involves the study of the income Equilibrium, Besides the problems of Unemployment and Inflation. |
Financial Derivatives and Risk Management |
This course deals with the theoretical framework of what financial derivatives are in terms of their concept and types, the mechanisms of investing in them and their role in risk management. As derivatives include options, futures contracts, forward contracts as well as swaps. The course also covers theories related to various financial risks, including interest rate risk, lending risk, liquidity risk, exchange rate risk, technology risk and operational risk. |
Financial Management |
This is an introductory course in finance that focuses on the practical aspects of managerial finance. Topics covered include the fundamentals of financial management, the financial market environment, time value of money, working capital management, current assets management, and current liabilities management. The goal is to equip students with the basic skills that will be supplemented and extended in net courses. |
Fundamentals of Finance Technology |
This course aims to acquaint students with the main concepts of financial technology, its business models and the most important tools used by professionals in this industry. The course explains the transferring mechanisms of the traditional financial services, both from Islamic and conventional aspect. The course aims to familiarize students with the prominent modern technologies (such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, blockchain technology and other recent technologies) beside how to use it in finance. Moreover, students shall have an overview on the most prominent applications and business models of financial technology such as: cryptocurrencies and digital money, insurance technology, crowdfunding, robo-advisors and e-payements ...). Finally, this course also aims to inform students on the impact of legislation and regulations related to the conduct of business in this sector. |
Investment and Portfolio Management |
This course focuses on fundamental concepts in Investments & portfolio management. Topics covered include: (1) Financial markets structure, instruments, and processes. (2) Risk and return in context of optimal portfolio selection (3) Markets theories, effeciency, and behavioural biases (4) Security market indexes and performance evaluation. (5) Macroeconomics impact on security, (6) Alternative investment and technical analysis. This course enhances the student’s capacity for a career in investments. |
ادارة التامين |
تتناول هذه المادة التعريف بالخطر وأنواعه وكيفية استخدام التأمين كوسيلة للاحتياط ضد المخاطر، ثم التعريف بعقود التأمين المختلفة وتشمل تأمين السيارات، والحوادث الشخصية، والتأمين البحري، والحريق، والتأمين المصرفي، والتأمين على الحياة، والتأمين الصحي، والضمان الاجتماعي والأسس القانونية لعقد التأمين وكيفية احتساب قسط التأمين. كذلك التعريف بمعنى إعادة التأمين والطرق المختلفة المتبعة في عمليات إعادة التأمين. |
إدارة الائتمان والتحليل الائتماني |
مادة ادارة مخاطر الائتمان من المتطلبات الاجبارية والمتقدمة في تخصص العلوم المالية والمصرفية حيث تتناول استعراضا للمخاطر الائتمانية على مستوى الائتمان المصرفي والتجاري. فمن الناحية التقليدية واجه المقرضون مخاطر ائتمانية بصورة تخلف عن السداد من قبل المقترضين، وحتى يومنا هذا بقيت المخاطر الائتمانية ذات اهتمام رئيسي للمقرضين وعلى النطاق العالمي. لذا يجب أن يعلم المقرضون أكثر عن موضوع الجدارة (الكفاءة) الائتمانية للمقترضين المحتملين مما يسهم في تقليل المخاطر وكذلك تقليل الاحتياطيات المالية التي تكونها لمواجهة مخاطر الديون المعدومة. لذا يكون من المهم أن يتعرف الطالب على الإطار الملائم في ادارة مخاطر الائتمان والقواعد السليمة التي يتوجب مراعاتها عند بناء المحفظة الائتمانية. هذه المادة تزود الطالب بالأسس لفهم عملية ادارة مخاطر الائتمان كي تعطيه القدرة على مناقشة التفاصيل لمختلف الجوانب المتعلقة بتحليل مخاطر الائتمان ومشاكل التصنيف الائتماني ومنهجية ومقترحات بازل II للحد من المخاطر الائتمانية. |
Microeconomics |
This course is an introduction to the field of microeconomics and its relevance to the decisions one must make as a consumer or a producer, it examines the functioning of markets through supply and demand and how the price is determined. The course examines the role of consumer behavior, the analysis of production and costs, and the determination of prices in various product and resource markets. Finally, it studies market structures from perfect competition to monopoly. |
Islamic Banking |
The course is designed to enable the student to understand and explain the philosophy and principles of Islamic finance operations including Islamic banking and Islamic financial instruments and how they differ from the traditional banking and financial system. This course cover Islamic Banks: Nature, aims, revenue sources, investment techniques, obstacles, rules, development and controls of Islamic banking. |
Academic Rank
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Ali Ahmad Alawneh
Associate Professor
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Izzeddien Naef Ananzeh
Associate Professor
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Mohammad Oqlah Al-Smadi
Associate Professor
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Hassan Hamad Aldboush
Assistant Professor
On successful completion of this program, the graduate will be able to:
Kp1. Clarify the impact of financial technology on the functions and operations of financial markets and institutions.
Kp2. Develop technology-based financial solutions innovatively.
Kp3. Apply financial concepts and theories to find solutions to the problems facing business organizations and investors.
Kp4. Evaluate the Business function areas and their impact on sustainable performance and appreciate the dynamic interrelationship between Business organizations and their external environments.
Sp1.Communicate efficiently and effectively in Arabic and English, whether verbally or while writing reports and drafting presentations.
Sp2. Employ technology in processes of data and information collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Sp3. Utilizing critical thinking capacity in managerial decision making and solving workforce as well as job-related problems and issues.
Cp1. Formulate strategies and make decisions in line with the field's ethical practices, sustainable development, and social responsibility associated with the Business environment.
Cp2. Develop professionalism through life-long learning and apply it via a worldly perspective and in diverse contexts.
Cp3. Demonstrate competency in working collaboratively with others and demonstrating leadership ability, of both individuals and teams, to attain successful organizational projects.
On successful completion of this program, the graduate will be able to:
Kp1. Differentiate critical concepts of finance and banking and explain the process of making finance and investment decisions.
Kp2. Classify the functions and operations of national and international financial markets and institutions.
Kp3. Evaluate the main risks faced by the individual or companies and manage them.
Kp4. Evaluate the Business function areas and their impact on sustainable performance and appreciate the dynamic interrelationship between Business organizations and their external environments.
Sp1.Communicate efficiently and effectively in Arabic and English, whether verbally or while writing reports and drafting presentations.
Sp2. Employ technology in processes of data and information collection, analysis, and interpretation.
Sp3. Utilizing critical thinking capacity in managerial decision making and solving workforce as well as job-related problems and issues.
Cp1. Formulate strategies and make decisions in line with the field's ethical practices, sustainable development, and social responsibility associated with the Business environment.
Cp2. Develop professionalism through life-long learning and apply it via a worldly perspective and in diverse contexts.
Cp3. Demonstrate competency in working collaboratively with others and demonstrating leadership ability, of both individuals and teams, to attain successful organizational projects.
Jarash Road, 20 KM out of Amman, Amman Jordan
dummy P.O.Box: 1 Amman - Jordan 19392
dummy +96264799000
dummy +96264799040