Course Description for Counseling Psychology Department
I. Compulsory Courses
0170111 – Basics of Psychological and Educational Counseling
This course offers a survey of concepts related to studies, trends, and basic procedures in psychological counseling and therapy. It touches on:
- the nature of counseling
- its philosophical and psychological foundations
- the role and functions of the counselor
- the elements and stages of the counseling process
- the major counseling theories, and
- some applications. (3 cr. hrs.)
0170112 – Basics of Group Counseling
This course is intended to acquaint students with the importance of group counseling as one method of counseling, and explains
- types of groups and their development
- characteristics of effective groups
- their structure, and their therapeutic properties
- the role of the leader and his functions
- the role playing
- role modeling
- counseling by play
- story-telling
- relaxation
- role reversal
- logical outcomes of behavior
- isolation
- mutual agreement
- enhancement
- the use of the proper counseling methods to individuals between 9-13, with special emphasis on application. (3 cr. hrs.)
0170113 – Trends in Counseling Theory
This course is intended to acquaint students with the concept of counseling theory and the most prominent theories in the field: cognitive, human, behavioral, analytical, and global, with emphasis on the basic concepts that they utilize regarding human nature and the proper counseling methods they use. The course involves training students to make use of theory in their counseling work and make the right choice of aspects of this theory which they can apply to their own personal growth.
(3 cr. hrs.)
0170121 – Psychic Health
- The concept of psychic health
- Manifestations of psychic health
- Adaptation and psychic health
- Personality and psychic health
- Normal and abnormal behavior
- Contributing factors to maladaptation:
o frustration
o conflict
o anxiety
o psychic pressure
- means of adaptation
- helpful factors to avoid negative adaptation among children
- cognitive factors and their impact on psychic health
- the family and the child’s psychic health
- the school and the child’s psychic health
- the child’s emotional problems
- psychological disorders
- protection against psychological disorders
- enhancement of psychic health
- psychic health institutions. (3 cr. hrs.)
0170141 – Introduction to Educational Statistics
This course is designed to introduce students to statistical methods used in communication studies. They will be made familiar with
-classifying data
-measurement of the median
-statistical proof
-hypothesis testing
-correlations among variables. (3 cr. hrs.)
0170214 – School Counseling
This course is designed to train students in counseling on site by performing the role of the counselor under supervision. The course cover the following topics:
-the counseling program in school
-plan of counseling action in education
-the role of the counselor
-the role of the teacher and that of the counselor in the school
-counseling records
-student developmental needs at various stages
-developmental instruction
-counseling and aspects of development
-surveying needs and problems
-determining counseling objectives
-group guidance in class
-group counseling in school
-individualized counseling
-consultation with parents and teachers
-counseling strategies and their applications in school (as in modification of behavior, resisting pressure, problem solving, and self-discipline). (3 cr. hrs.)
0170222 – Personality and Adaptation
This course concentrates on the personality and its relation to adaptation. It defines
-the concept of personality and its characteristics
-theories of personality and adaptation
-the process of adaptation
-the concept of the self
-conscious discipline
-love and hate
-the overweening personality
-gender role
-the nexus between thinking and doing
-emotional excitement
-personality evaluation. (3 cr. hrs.)
0170231 – Communication in Counseling
In this course students are trained to interpret verbal and non-verbal behavior in
-listening skills in counseling
-conducting behavioral analysis of problems and disturbances
-methods of determining problems and
-ways of establishing the counseling relationship.
The course also covers the topics of
-self-exposure, sending and confrontation
-understanding impediments to communication
-methods of conducting group discussion
-solving problems and conflicts. (3 cr. hrs.)
(0170242) Principles of Assessment and Evaluation (3 credit hours) (department obligatory requirement)
This course aims at familiarizing students with the methods and principles of assessment and evaluation which are considered among the basics of counseling. They are essential to assess whether the counseling and therapeutic program offered to counselees is successful or not in addition to discovering the difficulties in selecting the right program to assess the progress in achieving the therapeutic goal.
Moreover, this course discusses the different theories in terms of collecting information, choosing control and experimental samples, and consequently, illustrating, analyzing, and interpreting the results.
(0170251) Introduction to Private Education (3 credit hours) (department obligatory requirement)
The course aims at presenting the distinctive qualities of the groups and individual with special needs and showing the type of needs, in and outside school that should be offered to them on the basis of specific psychological and behavioral principles. The course also offers ways to modify and control the behavioral disorders including the classroom and educational challenges, besides, understanding the laws decreed in the Constitution to protect those special groups.
(0170323) Students’ Problems and the Methods of Solving them (3 credit hours) (department obligatory requirement)
This course deals with the definition of the problem and the criteria used to detect one in addition to reviewing ways to highlight the problems faced by students and explain them according to the different psychological theories, such as, problems of immature behavior, insecurity, antisocial behavior, bad habits, educational problems, companion problems, and other problems like substance abuse, mistreatment, the divorce or death of a parent.
(0170332) The Methods and Skills of Counseling: (3 credit hours) (department obligatory requirement)
This course aims at presenting a comprehensive and specific explanation of the definition of psychological counseling which is applied through the use of certain methods and skills in counseling. This is done by identifying a number of skills that any counselor should have: the skills related to the counselor, the skills related to the counselee, the counseling relationship, the cultural factors, using the relevant assessment methods and analyzing its results, and knowledge of counseling theories.
These skills of the counselor will be shown in the following fields: the counseling, vocational orientation, psychological health and prevention, and others.
Besides, the students will be familiarized with the personal qualities that a counselor should have like concentration, listening, discovering weaknesses, and strength of the counselee.
(0170333) Preventive Counseling: (3 credit hours) (department obligatory requirement)
This course deals with the definition of prevention from psychological problems, protection of children from abuse and neglect by the family. Protection of children and teenagers from abuse at school, protection from sexual harassment, drug abuse, hatred and extremism, helping children and teenagers to cope with violence, protection against emotional problems (worry, depression, aggression, and suicide)
(0170343) Evaluation and Diagnosis in Counseling: (3 credit hours) (department obligatory requirement)
This course deals with the importance of evaluation and diagnosis in counseling and the methods of collecting information: interviews, observation, case study, case conference, tests, cv, narrative record, accumulative record..etc. in addition, the course will introduce the behavioral and epistemological methods in assessment and evaluation, and applications on using the evaluation methods to assess the vocational tendencies, vocational maturity, personality standards, emotional features, social skills, thinking skills, problems and needs surveys, and drills on building tolls of diagnosis.
(0170352) (Psychological Disorders) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Obligatory Requirement)
This courses focuses on the factors behind psychological disorders and the methods of psychological counselling and prevention. It deals with the concept of psychological disorder and the explanatory models for such disorders; evaluation; classification; problems of excitement and mood; problems of mind and body; problems of integration; psychological disorders in childhood and adolescence, and individual and group counselling and treatment.
(0170424) (Behaviour Modification) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Obligatory Requirement)
The course deals with the clarification of the concept of behaviour modification as a way of changing human behaviour. It discusses the methods used in this including behaviour formation, positive and negative reinforcement, generalization, modelling, self-control, feedback, masking, serialization/sequencing, isolation, punishment, cognitive behavioural methods, and any other new methods. The course involves the discussion of moral principles in behaviour modification, and the understanding of the conceptual differences between behaviour and other explanations of human behaviour. In addition, it provides an opportunity for practical training in these methods.
(0170434) (Educational & Vocational Guidance) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Obligatory Requirement)
The course deals with guidance and student services and the kinds of awareness (evaluation, information; counselling; position?). It discusses the emergence and development of guidance and its pioneers: Avicenna, Shatibi, Parsons, J.B. Davies. It also involves philosophy of guidance, individual and vocational differences, educational and vocational development, vocational education, vocational training, vocational counselling and vocational classification, choice , and guidance and their methods, information and counselling, individual analysisintelligence, predisposition, tendency, achievement, personality, society needs and application cases.
(0170444) (Tests and Measurements in Counselling) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Obligatory Requirement)
This course provides an expose of the most important psychological tests and measurements that must be used in counselling, like personality and intelligence tests, in addition to other clinical and behavioural tests which help in increasing the accurate diagnosis of disorderly behaviour and the psychological stress that requires following up and medication. In addition, the course presents statistical understanding of the other psychological tests and measurements with emphasis on how to choose the suitable test on the basis of their validity and reliability so that the student will be able to recognize how to apply and analyze their results.
(0170453) (Rehabilitation Counseling) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Obligatory Requirement)
This course involves the development of an overall view of the psychological, social, and vocational disorders. The course also deals with the role of the counsellor in the school and family and his/her ability to explain the psychological attachment with the various problems of the disabled persons, the handicapped in particular. Moreover, the course discusses the importance of vocational rehabilitation of the disabled and its methods in order to improve their material and social circumstances inside and outside school.
(0170471) (Counseling Practicum) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Obligatory Requirement)
This course aims at preparing students for field training through providing them with the skills of individual and group counselling and group guidance in classes via role playing. Visits will be arranged for the students to various counselling centers in schools, institutions and psychological health clinics in order to be acquainted with the nature of counselling services and to see how these services are offered. It also aims at training students in the use of counselling techniques in psychological counselling, and in the counselling of the disabled. This is in addition to training students in how to conduct interviews and in the practical application of the counselling methods in schools and different institutions, and to provide them with the necessary skills to deal with problems of various types: family problems, school problems, or problems of the disabled.
(0170361) (Life Skills) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Supporting Obligatory Requirement)
This course introduces students to the different roles that a person plays in his life, in terms of their types, integration, their mutual influence, the skills of continuing education, decision taking, time organization, and inter-personal communication. Besides, it discusses concepts such as self-disclosure; building confidence, verbal and non-verbal expression of emotions, active listening, collective or co-operative work, solving inter-personal conflicts, self-control, tension management, positive self-talk, strategic thinking, responsible citizenship, and workability/employability?
(0170362) (Educational Psychology) (3 credit hrs.) (Specialty Supporting Obligatory Requirement)
This course deals with the general concepts and principles of the field of educational psychology. The course includes the discussion of topics like the scientific study of human behaviour in educational situations, development, learning and teaching, and the individual differences in mental abilities, classroom management, motivation, interaction between teacher and students inside the classroom.