Mediterranean Countries Towards Internationalisation at Home (MED2IaH) project (2019/2020). It is a co-funded project by the European Union under the capacity building calls, referenced “Erasmus+ CBHE proposal 609971-EPP-1-2019-1-JO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP”. MED2IaH addresses the regional priority for improving management and operations of HEIs through Internationalisation. It targets PC HEIs student communities at large and staff, and envisages the improvement of faculty and IROs staff capacities for Internationalisation, stimulates campus diversity and builds intercultural knowledge and global skills. These particular areas of intervention were selected in line with the expertise of PrC HEIs who have extensive experience in these domains. MED2IaH activities were jointly developed and also endorsed by the targeted PC HEIs. For this purpose current PC HEIs’ IaH and mobility statistical data was reviewed. According to PC HEIs, shifting the focus from outbound to non-mobile students to help them grow and develop global competence in domestic environments constitutes a novel approach. Its specific objectives are:
- To outline PC HEIs' Internationalisation landscapes and to identify levels of integration of international and intercultural dimensions into PC HEIs’ formal and informal curriculum.
- To improve PC HEIs’ capabilities for Internationalisation through staff trainings and by translating general awareness of the IaH concept into streamlined institutional strategies and Action Plans.
- To build students’ intercultural knowledge and sensitivity to cultural diversity by transforming PC HEIs’ International Relations Offices (IROs) into vibrant multicultural focal points.
Introducing Recent Electrical Engineering Developments into undErgraduate cuRriculum (IREEDER) project (2019/2020):
It is a co-funded project by the European Union under the capacity building calls, referenced “Erasmus+ CBHE proposal 609971-EPP-1-2019-1-JO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP”. The IREEDER aims to improve the capacities of high quality education, using state of art technology and training staff on improving the quality of the courses taught by making best use of these technologies. The developed courses will be oriented to the recent technologies in electrical engineering including internet of things, cyber security and renewable energy in addition to their different applications. All these courses will be in accordance with Bologna requirements. Its specific objectives are:
- Develop, integrate, accredit, and evaluate courses with appropriate laboratories' components in renewable energy and energy efficiency, internet of things, and cyber security jointly taught by universities in Jordan and brought into line with the Bologna requirements. These courses will be developed and thought by English language.
- Engage faculty in the development of interactive instruction techniques for lectures and laboratory courses and sharing experiences with EU partner universities.
- Develop and implement course content using Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) delivery and remote labs.
- Extend services and training in collaboration with the local and regional industry and community.
- Improve the human capacity of Jordanian Universities by providing training and upgrading opportunities in EU for aspiring young and women academic members of staff.
Energy Consumption Efficiency Management (ECEM) project (2015-2016):
It is a funded project by the European Union under the Support to Research, Technological Development and Innovation in Jordan- phase two (SRTD-II) projects. The ECEM is a joint work between Philadelphia University in Jordan and the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, where an in kind contribution has been given from both universities. ECEM project is concluded in the following points:
- Design a smart wireless sensor and actuator network (SWSAN) for remote energy consumption monitoring and energy management
- Test and deploy the developed platform into three faculties’ buildings in addition to the presidency building;
- Quantify energy saving potential and provide recommendation for energy savings and retrofit solutions
- Establish coherent and efficient research and development cluster in order to perform high-quality research and development in the field of energy monitoring and management.
Efficient Power Consumption using Predictive Data Analysis Method (2015):
It is a collaborated work funded by both of Philadelphia University in Jordan and the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. This project is described as follows:
- Study the interactions between large scale projects such as five stars hotels, nowhere large companies or sensitive military locations, and Smart Grids through the creation of energy models, advanced communications and digital signal processing.
- Developing integrated-communications-infrastructure-spanning large scale projects and the provision for scalable data management to find the optimum manor to consume the limited power source or to decrease the combustion of the available power source till the optimum level.
- Review large scale projects technologies such as the Smart Large projects concept, laboratory test Smart large scale projects sensors, communications and automation features.
- Characterize the relationships between household energy service needs, home-based ICT applications and people through empirical studies and development of appliance energy models, in fact, we can even apply all these features over the main energy source for such large projects that contain all these clients.
- Understand user behavior w.r.t energy usage and design optimal energy feedback mechanisms that stimulate energy saving, and then develop and evaluate a low-cost wireless sensing and limited area networking platform based on machine-to-machine (M2M) communications that enables information exchange between home appliances and autonomous demand response functionalities. This allows us to save the energy even in the communication system besides the combusted energy in the daily life or functions.
Free-Licensed Band Jammer Project (2014-2015):
It is about an outdoor jammer in the range of 100 m for the whole free-licensed band. It is funded by both the King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB); which is an independent government entity within the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) that aims to be the globally preferred partner in designing and developing defense products and security solutions in the region, and the King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD).