Program Benchmarks for Department of Computer Engineering
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Computer Engineering Profession is a discipline which combines electrical and computer science. This implies that computer engineers are electrical engineers that are trained additionally in the areas of software design and hardware-software integration.
Computer engineering is a profession which is involved in many aspects of computing, from the design of individual microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit design.Usual tasks of computer engineers include writing software and firmware for embedded microcontrollers, designing micro chips, designing analog and digital sensors for the industrial applications, designing mixed signal circuit boards, and designing operating systems.
Computer engineers are also suited for robotics research that relies heavily on using digital systems to control and monitor electrical systems like motors, communications, and sensors.The outcome of Computer Engineering is a product, or perhaps a process or system; so that it distinguishes it from Science and Mathematics. Thus, the criteria of content of computer engineering degree set out as follows in Table 1.
The primary purposes of the Benchmarking Statements are to assist:
- Higher education institutions in designing and validating programs of study;
- Academic reviewers and external examiners in verifying and comparing standards;
- Where appropriate, professional bodies during accreditation and review process;
- Students and employers when seeking information about higher education provision.
In developing an assessment strategy some key factors should be considered:
- There must be sufficient clearly identified opportunities for students to demonstrate that they have met the threshold in all components of the benchmark;
- Achievement of threshold standards may, in some cases, be implicit in the learning process (e.g. the completion of a project may demonstrate attainment of some general transferable skills);
- Achievement of threshold standards should be possible without an individual student being required to pass all units of assessment. For example, a particular unit may include the assessment of only one element of the benchmark. A student may achieve the threshold in this element but not achieve a pass mark in the unit as a whole.
- Careful selection from a wide range of assessment methods can make the process more efficient and effective;
- It is important that the strategy provides sufficient opportunity for the best students to exhibit the level of innovation and creativity associated with excellence.
- The Benchmark Statements set out in Table 2 and based upon the rationale provided by the Criteria for Content above should be used to guide the academic review of programs in engineering.
- Individual disciplines within engineering should use the generic criteria of content in Table 1 to provide an interpretation of content and balance of attainment for their own discipline.
- Professional Engineering Institutions when setting criteria for their discipline and for the sections of the Engineering Council Register, for which they hold responsibility, should relate them to the generic criteria and the appropriate discipline-specific interpretation.