

Services of Innovation Center


Office services

1-An office equipped with a personal computer and a telephone.
2-Secretarial services, Xeroxing, printing and a fax.
3-A meeting hall.

Business services

1-Conducting a feasibility study of the enterprise. The innovation center at Philadelphia University in collaboration with highly experienced institutions conducts a feasibility study of the enterprise to take a sober look at the market position and the technical and financial requirements of the enterprise.
2-Preparing an action plan for the enterprise.
3-Financial planning.
4-Defining marketing and communication strategies.
5-Company formation and registration.

Technical services

University facilities

1-Experienced and efficient human resources.
2-Labs for all specializations.
3-Engineering drawing rooms.
4-Engineering workshops.


The center trains entrepreneurs on all steps required for working on the enterprise. It qualifies and assists them to acquire entrepreneurial and innovative skills and spirit.

Financial support

Due to the fact that enterprise implementation depends on funding, among the basic objectives of the intuitions is finding proper local and international funding institutions, when possible, creating suitable communication means and giving advice.

Consultative support for the incubatees

       - Marketing consultations

    1-Preparation of marketing plan.
    2-How to develop your product.
    3-Negotiation skills with investors and company owners.
    4-Sales skills.

       - Legal consultations

    1-Legal consultations for selling the idea of the enterprise or the product.
    2-Legal consultations for initiating a new company.
    3-How to register a trademark and protect it.
    4-How to deal with invitation for tenders.

       -Technical consultations:

It is expected that incubating companies might encounter many technical and organizational problems that would take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, the incubator renders consultative support to people joining it to solve problems encountered by them such as providing them with experts who can solve their problems easily and efficiently. Philadelphia University houses a highly qualified academic cadre as well as specialized departments.

Post enterprise implementation services

1-Following up enterprises through periodic field visits to ensure their success.
2-Suggesting ideas, providing information and giving advice to ensure enterprise sustainability and development.
3-Enhancing entrepreneurs and staff's skills technically to reach all community groups and ensure enterprise success.

Contact Information

Jarash Road, 20 KM out of Amman, Amman Jordan


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