Principles to Commercial Law
This Course looks at the emergence and development of commercial law, and its sources and characteristics. It also discusses what constitutes as commercial dealings, whether as a pure commercial dealing, privities or mixed.
The course also studies the merchant - from the conditions required to be treated as a merchant, and his legal obligations and duties (such as holding commercial books) – and the 'store' –its concept, elements and protection-.
Furthermore, the course includes an overview to commercial contracts in general, and an in-depth study of certain commercial contracts such commercial mortgage, transport and commercial agency.
Companies and Bankruptcy
The first part of this course addresses the general rules and precepts for companies in civil law, and then moves to corporate law to study the sources and characteristics of corporate law. Also, the module deals, in a detailed manner, with the types of companies in Jordanian law, namely: Partnership companies, Limited partnership companies, Joint venture companies, Partnership limited by shares companies, limited liability companies, private shareholding companies, and public shareholding companies, insofar as the incorporation of these companies, their conditions, characteristics, liquidation and all the rules pertaining to them, in addition to studying particular types of companies.
The second part of the module deals with the system of commercial bankruptcy insofar as it is a system particular to merchants and commercial companies. The concept of bankruptcy, its effects, the management of bankruptcy, ascertaining the debts and the bankruptcy panel will be studied. Also studied will be the simple conciliation and its conditions, restoration of esteem, bankruptcy and liquidation crimes. The protective conciliation and its formal and objective terms, and its legal provisions are included in the study.
Commercial Documents and Banking Transactions
The first part of this course introduces commercial papers, their characteristics, historical development and the efforts to unify the banking law, and then, a study of the withdrawal voucher in respect of its objective and formal conditions, and the return on fulfilling obligations and trading, the maturation date and its conditions, and the case of the bearer referring to the signatories of the bond (voucher) and its conditions, and intervention in acceptance and fulfillment of obligation and its conditions, and prescription and its rules. The course also deals with the order voucher (bond) and its objective and formal conditions, and the manner of trading with it and the rules applied to it, and the check and its objective and formal conditions, and dealings in it, and the manner of presenting it for payment, and withdrawal (recourse) and its conditions, and the multiplicity of copies, distortion and prescription.
The second part of the module deals with banking transactions (operations) insofar as the importance of banks in economic life and the commercial attribute of banking activities and bank accounts, deposits, current accounts, transfers and bank letter of credits, and other activities such as discounting, guarantees and documentary letters of credit.
E-Commerce Laws
This course studies the most prominent subjects in electronic commercial transactions, such as the concept of e-commerce and e-contracts. The course discusses the characteristics of electronic transactions and the problems that arise from the use of communication media. The course also takes a look into consumer protection when performing electronic transactions. Furthermore, it studies electronic contracts; its effects, obligations of parties and forms of dispute resolutions.
Intellectual Property
This Course studies copyrights, commercial incorporeal rights and industrial incorporeal rights. As for copyrights into looks into the right of the author/owner; how and why it is protected. It also looks into the infringements that may occur on the copyright. Furthermore, this course deals with both commercial and industrial property as two branches of intellectual property within the scope of private law, which is characterized by its non-material nature. In the field of commercial ownership, the course reviews and analyzes numerous topics, among which: defining the concept of commercial property, its legal nature, characteristics, elements and all the other aspects related to it, in addition to addressing the legal protection for this type of property, and elucidating the methods of this protection, and the designated penalties in case it is encroached on. These topics are studied through all the legislations that govern them, such as trade names (trademarks), trade secrets, trademarks and industrial marks. The course deals in detail with the provisions stipulated in the industrial property legislation in terms of its nature, concept, origin, registration, conditions and protection, and an overview of what is new in those legislations such as patent law, pictures and industrial models law, and the geographic indicators law, and the integrated fields law.
Maritime and Aviation Laws
This course includes the study of what constitutes to be a part of Maritime Law and Aviation Law. It looks into both of these laws; their nature, characteristics, sources and origins.
It further discusses both types of vessels – what is a maritime vessel, what is an air vessel -, how they are obtained, sold, mortgaged and the essential documentations both require.
The crew and their responsibilities and liabilities of each type of vessel is looked into and discussed. The Course also includes the different types of transportation contracts and different types of investments in both maritime and aviation vessels.
Legal terminology in English
This course seeks to introduce the student to English legal terminology which corresponds to Arabic legal terms. In order to maximize the benefit, these terms are taught through introducing law, and its various fields and branches, right, along with its fields, obligation along with its various sources. Moreover, the module deals with one of the legal topics in English in a detailed manner, thereby enabling the student to express his legal ideas in English, which will also facilitate for him using foreign references when the need arises.
Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence
This course addresses commands and prohibitions, and what each signify in terms of rules (legal precepts) and consensus- its origins, conditions and types- and analogical reasoning (qiyas)- its definition, pillars and the opinions of scholars regarding it. Another theme of this course is an elucidation of the auxiliary evidences from which are derived Islamic legal principles, namely, considering something religiously laudable, interests, preventing corruption, custom and (istishab ar.) This course includes basic information on Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic law insofar as definitions, sources and characteristics, and the connection between them and revealed religions’ laws or previous or contemporary law, in addition to dealing with the stages that jurisprudence went through, and the reasons for weakness and strength across the various epochs, while referring to certain jurisprudential principles which continue to be applied, and from which positive laws have benefited in the various walks of life.
Personal Status(1) Marriage & Divorce
This course with all that relates to the organization of the family in Islam based on the stipulations of the Jordanian personal status law beginning with the engagement with all the accompanying formalities, until the marriage contract, with all that it entails in terms of rights and obligations for the married couple. The conditions for the validity of the nuptial contract and its applicability, the rights of the children insofar as the establishment of affiliation to the family, nursing, rearing, and the dissolution of the marriage contract and the wisdom of it, and who has the right to perform such.
Personal Status (2) Wills & Inheritance
This Course includes the study a broad overview of the concept of inheritance and the rights attached to it. The recognition of wills: their conditions, their validity and their types. The course furthermore, takes an in-depth study of inheritance under sharia law from its necessity, conditions and comparing it with other regulatory forms of inheritance whether new or old. Additionally, the course also focuses on the study of the different types of heirs and their percentage, and other different topics under Islamic Inheritance.
Expression and Legal Drafting
This course deals with the principles of legal formulation (expression) insofar as the denotation of texts, “the signification of the sentence and the signification of the sign”; moreover, the relation of law to logic and the principles of legal interpretation stipulated in the civil code and the Ottoman Majalah- and the skills of analysis and commentary on legal texts and judicial decisions. This course also includes the skills of preparing pleadings, coupled with the formulation of contracts and agreements, and the various forms of legal writing throughout the stages of legal activity.
Public International Law
This course introduces contemporary international public law, its nature, sources, development, the nature of its precepts, the basis of obligation and the field of application, and also, defining the personalities of public international law, and defining their rights and obligations, particularly in respect of international responsibility, and international relations, and this includes diplomacy, international treaties, international and regional organizations, the means for resolving international conflicts, and the legal principles governing situations of land, sea and air wars, and the end of a state of war, and also, the principles of international neutrality, and the duties and rights of neutral countries… etc.
This course also introduces the concept of state and its establishment including: the rights and obligations of states, the region of a country and its elements, international liability, international disputes, diplomatic and consular relations.
Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
The topics of human rights discusses the development of the concept of human rights throughout various centuries and human civilizations, with the focus on the basic rights of a human being from political, economic, social and cultural aspects in peoples’ lives as well as the importance and significance of both national and international legislations in combating racism, prejudice and sexism.
This course also includes an introduction to international humanitarian law, the formative periods, international treaties, the particularities of international humanitarian law, the sources and principles of international humanitarian law, and the field of application of international humanitarian law: international and non-international armed conflicts: protected persons, protected properties, those with special protection, and prohibited actions in armed conflicts, the protection of cultural properties, restricting or banning the use of certain arms, the duties of all parties in applying international humanitarian law, international humanitarian law and governmental and non-governmental international organizations, particularly insofar as refugees, protection of the environment and human rights.
The Jordanian Constitution
This course is an extension of the political systems and constitutional law module with a focus on the study of the constitutional system in Jordan since the establishment of the Jordanian emirate until this time, and an evaluation of the constitutions of 1928, 1947 and 1952. The course deals with the constitutional paradigm in Jordan particularly insofar as expounding the development- coupled with an evaluation- of the Jordanian political system including the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, their constituents, competences and their method of work.
Local Administration Law
This course addresses the topic of local administration, its elements, pillars and the manner of forming councils and local authorities, and the relation of the latter to the central authority, and its role in administering public and regional public facilities, and their public and private duties in serving the local community, and its development socially, culturally, economically and administratively.
Administrative Judiciary
The administrative justice course requires a knowledge of a group of basic principles, most importantly, legitimacy, the forms of judicial monitoring of the activities of administrative authority, and also a study of the most prominent restrictions on the principle of legitimacy. Perhaps, the annulment lawsuit is considered one of the most important subjects of administrative justice, given that it is a legal mechanism used for purposes of carrying out monitoring of the activities of the administrative authority; the extension of its concept, conditions and the reasons for effecting it are studied. The competences of the administrative courts are addressed, given that it is the Jordanian version of a two-track justice, whether insofar as the study deals with the court competences governed by law or a discussion of the judicial decisions issued by it.
Administrative Law 1
This module seeks to delimit the concept of administrative law, based on its meanings, norms of classification and its relation to other laws. Moreover, its origin, characteristics and sources are defined. This course also probes into the notion of administrative organization through discussing its components of centralized administration and decentralized administration and their applications in the Jordanian legal system. Finally, it studies the public servant by means of defining him and the means of appointing and selecting him, and dividing public functions. Also discussed are the duties of the employee and his occupational rights, the disciplinary aspects, and the rules for terminating the service of an employee.
Administrative Law 2:
This course addresses the following themes: Administrative control/definition, aims and means and the limits of administrative control in the Jordanian legal system. It also studies the public installations (facilities)/definition and elements, their establishment and cancellation, their types and the principles that govern them, and the methods of administering them, the legal regulations for public facilities in Jordan. Moreover, the course deals with the activities of the administrative authority whether in France or in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Public Finance and Taxation
The first part of this course is a brief study of the concept of the science of public finance, its definition and characteristics, coupled with a detailed study of public expenditures (definitions, pillars, parts and effects) and public revenues (definition, parts, types such as taxes and levies), the public budget- its concept, characteristics and general principles, with a focus on fiscal policy in Jordan in particular. The second part of the course includes a study of the general theory of taxes in general, and Jordanian tax legislation in particular, whereby income tax and its rules are studied, as well as general tax on sales and its various constituent elements, in addition to dealing with custom duties in general.
International Organizations
The international organizations module deals with the principal ideas calling for the establishment of an international organization in the West and the Arab world, and the efforts exerted on the international level to achieve this aim. There is a focus on studying the general principles for the international organization, and a definition and classification of the international organization, and the jurisdictions, powers and sources of international organizations, and the methods of issuing decisions/resolutions, and the legal status of international organizations, with an expanded study of the League of Nations, the United Nations and certain regional organizations, particularly, the Arab League. etc.
l systems and constitutional law
This course treats the nature of constitutions and constitutional law by means of elucidating the nature of constitutional law and its relation to the other branches of law, and an expounding of the proofs of constitutional legal provisions, and also includes an explanation of the meaning of a constitution, types of constitutions, and also addresses the origins and termination, and the means for safeguarding their prevalence (sovereignty). This is through studying monitoring and its applications, whether political or judicial. Moreover, the course includes a study of the state, in particular, its concept and constituent elements, and also its legal attributes and its types, and also a study of political systems, and an elucidation of their various constitutional and political foundations, and an expounding of the concept of the democratic government alongside its various forms.
Evidence & procedural law
This course includes the study of analytical theory to rules of evidence as set by the Jordanian law by analyzing the substantive and procedural legal rules. It will cover the definition the written evidence and its different types. It will also cover the issue of witness and personal evidence, the terms and scope of the evidence as well as the provisions under which such evidence is accepted in course of legal suites. In addition to exploring the different types of accepted evidence methods accepted by the law. This course also covers the implementation procedures and steps carried in the execution departments, functions and issue the executive and ways of forced execution against the debtor funds and on the person and how to distribute the proceeds of implementation.
Legislation of Electronic Administration
This course addresses the concepts of electronic administration from legal aspect and determines its meaning, aims, elements. This course also tackles the legal frame for the electronic developments that have occurs over the means of public administration such as administrative decisions and administrative contracts and determining the protection methods for the electronic administration either technical or legal and evaluation its efficiency.
Diplomatic and Consular Law
This course focuses on some selected themes including: definition of diplomacy; definition of consular works; historical background of international diplomacy; the source of diplomatic and consular law; the local departments of international relationships; diplomatic representatives and its tasks, privileges, immunities; international organizations and conferences; consular relationships; the source of consular law; the consular privileges and immunities; and the consular tasks.
Introduction to Law
This course involves a study of the general theory of law in terms of expounding the concept and origin of law, the characteristic of the legal principle, the different legal principles insofar as the principles of public law and the principles of private law, and their division into mandatory, complementary or explanatory principles, and thereafter an expounding of the sources of the legal principle in general, and the sources of the legal principle in Jordanian law in particular, Moreover, the official sources such as legislation, the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, the principles of Islamic law, custom, equity and explanatory or exceptional sources such as judicial practice and jurisprudence. Likewise, it addresses the interpretation of the legal principle, and the scope of the application of a legal principle insofar as persons, places and time. This course all includes a study of the general theory of right, and deals with defining right with its various types, and an elucidation of its parties, substance, sources and the legal protection determined for it.
Nominated Contracts
This course deals with an in-depth analytical study of the provisions of the so-called nominated contracts within the framework of the Jordanian civil law in terms of the nature and classification of contracts. The course will highlight and focus in detail the provisions of the contract of sale and lease contracts. These contracts will be explained in terms of these provisions and formations and the rights and duties of both parties and what can affect the creation and formation of both contracts and how could they end.
Penal law (general part)
This module is a detailed study of the general theory of crime and punishment based on the definition of the penal law, and determining its objectives, content and branches, and also defining a crime and its types according to the intensity of the punishment, and according to the material pillar. The course then studies the pillars of a crime represented in the legal pillar and the material pillar and its elements, as well as the moral pillar and its forms, in addition to the rules of criminal liability and their forms represented by the culprit, one who intervenes and the instigator, and finally, the penal sentences insofar as punishments, precautionary measures and their forms, and the means of their termination
Law of criminal procedures
This course is an introduction to the criminal law of procedure. It is a detailed study of public lawsuits insofar as the legal rules for filing them and the authority that is competent to do so. Then, it deals with the reasons for terminating the lawsuit, and addresses the lawsuit and personal right, insofar as the parties of the lawsuit and the conditions for filing them and the means for ending them. The study also includes: the theories that govern the rules or criminal procedures such as the theory of competence, invalidity and proof. Finally, the study includes the stages that a criminal lawsuit goes through insofar as ascertainment, statement, investigation, deduction preliminary investigation and trail. The course also deals with the methods of appealing judicial criminal decisions.
Private International Law
This course is an analytical study of the conflicting laws pertaining to legal relations that are of a foreign element through elucidating the nature and scope of conflict, its cases and the historical development of the governing norms, the principles of investiture, the theory of adaptation and assignment, and what the Jordanian civil code contains, and comparative legislation, and what international conventions contain insofar as restrictions and the rules of determining the applicable law regarding matters involving a foreign element, in addition to elucidating the cases of applying foreign law and the impediments to applying it. This course also includes the rules for international judicial competence, the rules of confession, the enforcement of judicial decisions and the foreign arbitration decisions in accordance with the Jordanian law for enforcing foreign decisions, the Riyadh judicial cooperation convention, the New York convention particular to arbitration decisions- an analytical study that relies on facing cases and the method of research and adaptation in order to arrive at solutions and deduce legal principles accompanied by analysis and commentary on the judicial interpretations and applications- both national and comparative.
Law of Civil Procedure
This course addresses the theme of judicial organization and its function, and the fundamental principles upon which rests the Jordanian judicial organization, and the constitution of secular courts (non-religious courts), their types and specializations (competences). Furthermore, a study of the civil lawsuit since its filing, and the conditions for accepting and making notification of it, and the procedures of the principles of litigation, the conduct of trials and their roles, and the attendance and absence of the litigants (disputants) and the procedures for presenting evidences and the facets of using the lawsuit insofar as requests for entry and intervention, the requests (petitions) of plaintiffs and defendants, statements of defense, the aspects of the lawsuit, the payment of money, dismissal of lawsuit and issuing a judicial decision, the types of judicial decisions, the methods, terms and procedures for appealing decisions, and the principles of litigation before the court of appeal, and appealing through the court of cassation……… a scientific study of the Jordanian civil procedure law buttressed by practical application of procedures before the courts and their formal and objective conditions, and the most important judicial decisions and interpretations of the Jordanian court of cassation- and comparisons.
This course offers training in the applied aspects of the law before various courts and of different levels, and performing the roles of a trial, with all that it requires insofar as researching the law, a persuasive analysis of the facts, and narrating them within the pleading facing the competent quarters, and proceeding with the procedures and roles of the trial, and presenting pleadings, petitions, memoranda and oral and written statements, and the manner of cross examining witnesses, and effecting appeals of judicial decisions while given due regard to the ideal behaviors of the legal profession. This is within a framework of simulated (virtual) trials whereby some cases that are prepared beforehand are allocated to the students in groups form, whereby they share the roles of the trials, and they represent the sides of the prosecution and defense. This involves civil, and administrative applications\
Sources of obligations
This course includes an analytical study of the theory of commitment, its types, and sources. it will cover the contract theory in detail. In addition, it covers the individual will as a source of commitment and the rules of tort arising from doing harm to personal or third party and the legal liability arising from doing of things, as well as covering the rules of beneficiary act and rules of law as a source of obligation.
Effects of obligations
This course covers rules of implementation of commitment, its descriptions, transmission, and expiry. This course also cover issues related to the types of commitment, and the different terms that can be linked to this commitment and the legal steps that could be taken to implement the legal commitment. It will also cover some selected types of lawsuits such as direct and indirect lawsuits. It will also cover descriptions of the statement of commitment, it will also cover the multiplicity of parties to the commitment and the solidarity between debtors and solidarity among creditors, and multi-object of the obligation and the reasons for the expiration of the commitment.