
قسم اللغة الصينية

 Dr. Cui Yanyan,

The Chinese Director of CIPU

Head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Welcome to the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Philadelphia University! Here you will not only learn the Chinese language, but also get to know the history, culture and development of China. We hope that you can realize your dream by learning the language, and promoting the friendship between the people of Jordan and China.



Dr. Dima Malahmeh,

The Foreign Director of CIPU

The coordinator of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature

If you are a member of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, we congratulate you for choosing one of the best majors! We encourage you to study Mandarin Chinese with enthusiasm, and dive into the rich Chinese culture. We are always ready to provide you with all necessary aids to help you reach your goals. We wish you all success in your endeavors in learning the second most learnt foreign language across the world!

معلومات الاتصال

طريق جرش عمان، عمان ، الأردن

النشرة الإخبارية

ادخل بريدك الإلكتروني وسنرسل لك المزيد من المعلومات
