
Vision and Mission


Vision of Department of Architecture Engineering

For the Department of Architecture at the University of Philadelphia to be a pioneer in Jordan and the region in teaching the principles and applications of architecture and urbanism and research to provide innovative solutions to solve the urban problems facing the local community, within an integrated methodology that achieves a balance between the needs of users, society and the environment.


Mission of Department of Architecture Engineering


 The mission of Architectural Engineering Department is to:

    Educate students for an effective practice in architecture.

    Provide up-to-date architectural design skills and knowledge  for a wide variety of profession role in a private, public practice  and prepare the student for graduate study.

    Offer a curriculum comprised of a diverse and balanced set of courses and experiences

    Impart a variety of analytical and synthetic skills and knowledge in areas relevant to architecture: visual, and sensorial, and manual acuities, building construction technology, design, theory, history and criticism, human dynamic, planning, landscape and communication.

    Supplement sound training by nurturing the whole person within an understanding of architectural engineering as aboard humanistic and scientific discipline

    Produce architects able to meet demands of a changing profession, and whose technical skills will be complemented by personal vision, ethical persuasiveness and entrepreneurial drive.
    (mutual respect, corporation and communication community service and leadership)


Contact Information

Jarash Road, 20 KM out of Amman, Amman Jordan


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