
Program Benchmarks

The architectural engineering profession has diverse fields in architectural design, regional and urban planning, protecting the natural and built heritage, renovation, rehabilitation and interior design. 

The Department of Architectural Engineering offers a curriculum that focuses on developing students' professional ability to understand the local and international architectural character by developing students' scientific and technical abilities for aesthetics, sensual and human aspects, improving the quality of design, highlighting sites with heritage value and by the optimum use for environmental aspects. 

The architectural engineering outcomes integrate with several disciplines in civil engineering geology, environmental sciences, physical material and other basic sciences. Thus, the criteria for architectural engineering degree curriculum are presented as follows in Table 1.

The aim of introducing specification and criteria for the architect is to help to:

  1. Design and implement the study programs in the higher education institutions.
  2. Setting the profession description for reviewing and approval purposes.
  3. Providing students and users with information concerning higher education institutions.


In developing an assessment strategy some key factors should be considered:

  1. There must be a sufficient and clearly identified opportunities for students to demonstrate that they have meet the threshold in all components of the benchmark;
  2. The achievement of threshold standards may, in some cases, be implicit in the learning process (e.g. the completion of a project may demonstrate attainment of some general transferable skills);
  3. Achievement of threshold standards should be possible without an individual student being required to pass all units of assessment. For example, a particular unit may include the assessment of only one element of the benchmark. A student may achieve the threshold in this element but not achieve a pass mark in the unit as a whole.
  4. Careful selection from a wide range of assessment methods can make the process more efficient and effective;
  5. It is important that the strategy provides sufficient opportunity for the best students to exhibit the level of innovation and creativity associated with excellence.  


  1. The Benchmark Statements presented in Table 2 which based the Criteria for Content mentioned above should be used to guide the academic review of engineering programs.
  2. Architectural engineering disciplines should use the criteria presented in Table 1 to provide an interpretation for each discipline.
  3. One of the engineering profession institutions responsibilities is to set the profession specifications and relate them with other appropriate disciplines.
Table 2

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Jarash Road, 20 KM out of Amman, Amman Jordan


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